Rufus Robot, Inc. 应用

Learn with Rufus: Categories 1.1.2
Have fun learning colors, shapes, and othergroups of common objects!As they develop, children learn "typical" or "more common"examples of category members (e.g., red apple) before they learn"less typical" or "less common" examples of category members (e.g.,yellow apple).Learn with Rufus: Groups and Categories aims to helpchildren learn groups and categories such as colors, shapes,fruits, and other common objects. Children will learn a variety oftypical and less typical examples to help them form broadcategories and to increase generalization. The game is highlycustomizable to meet the needs of children with varying skills,ability levels, and learning styles.This game was designed by Dr Holly Gastgeb, a clinical anddevelopmental psychologist with over ten years of experienceworking with typically developing children and children with autismspectrum disorder (ASD). Her research has shown that children withASD have difficulty forming categories from an early age. Sincethis ability is developed throughout childhood, the game is alsobeneficial for a wide range of children including those earlyachievers without any diagnosed learning difficulties.Learn with Rufus: Groups and Categories is organized intothree parts, a learning phase and two separate games.• Learning - A preview of the category is shown to thechild before the game starts.• Find It! - Shown a number of category members, thechild is directed to select a specific item.• Name It! - Shown a single category member, the child isasked to name the item.To keep children interested and motivated, the followingfeatures are included:• Reward sets - Choose from nine different colorfulchild-friendly reward sets including bugs, cars, cats, dinosaurs,and more.• Toy break - The child is given periodic breaks with afun on-screen spinning top that draws on the screen whileresponding to both touch and tilt commands. This feature can beturned off if the child does not need breaks or finds themdistracting.• Positive reinforcement - Rufus does a "happy dance" andgives positive verbal reinforcement when the child answerscorrectly. If the child answers incorrectly, the correct answer isrestated.• Music and sounds - Child-friendly music and sounds areincluded throughout the game. This feature can be turned off if thechild is sensitive to or distracted by sounds and music.• Text - For children who enjoy reading, the word thatcorresponds to each picture is presented above the picture. Thisfeature can be turned off if the words are distracting to thechild.Additional customizable features that are present include:• Multiple category sets - Colors and shapes category setsare included. Periodically, new category sets will be madeavailable either for free or for paid download.• Level of difficulty - The level of difficulty can beadjusted to match the child's ability level:Easy - All typical examples of category membersMedium - A mix of typical and less typical examples ofcategory membersHard - All less typical examples of category members• Training - The practice session before the games may bedisabled to increase difficulty.• Group Size - Choose from a group size of 2 or 4 for theGame phase depending on the child's ability level.• Languages - Choose from English and Spanish.For parents, educators, and therapists:• Profiles per child - More than one child can play thegame and all data is stored under each child's name.• Track data and statistics - At the end of the game, agraph of the child's data is presented. Touch the graph to enlargeit, and then touch each data point to gather information about thechild's performance.For Ages 3 & Up
Learn with Rufus: Fun & Games 1.2.7
Have fun with this collection of diversions from our other apps!
Learn with Rufus: Boys & Girls
Have fun learning how faces are different between boys and girls!Learn with Rufus: Boys and Girls aims to help children learn thefacial features that correspond to boys and girls. Children willlearn how to identify gender from faces with typical and atypicalfeatures. The game is highly customizable to meet the needs ofchildren with varying skills, ability levels, and learning styles.This game was designed by Dr Holly Gastgeb, a clinical anddevelopmental psychologist with over ten years of experienceworking with typically developing children and children with autismspectrum disorder (ASD). Her research has shown that children withASD have difficulty identifying genders from an early age. Sincethis ability is developed throughout childhood, the game is alsobeneficial for a wide range of children including those earlyachievers without any diagnosed learning difficulties. Learn withRufus: Boys and Girls is organized into three parts, a learningphase and two separate games: • Learning - A preview of the maleand female faces is shown to the child before the game starts. •Find It! - Shown a picture of a boy and a girl, the child isdirected to select a specific gender. • Name It! - Shown a singlepicture, the child is asked to name the gender. To keep childreninterested and motivated, the following features are included: •Reward sets - Choose from nine different colorful child-friendlyreward sets including bugs, cars, cats, dinosaurs, and more. • Toybreak - The child is given periodic breaks with fun on-screenglowing rings. This feature can be turned off if the child does notneed breaks or finds them distracting. • Positive reinforcement -Rufus does a "happy dance" and gives positive verbal reinforcementwhen the child answers correctly. If the child answers incorrectly,the correct answer will be restated. • Music and sounds -Child-friendly music and sounds are included throughout the game.This feature can be turned off if the child is sensitive to ordistracted by sounds and music. • Text - For children who enjoyreading, the word that corresponds to each picture is presentedabove the picture. This feature can be turned off if the words aredistracting to the child. • Icons - For younger children whohaven't yet learned reading or for those who find the textdistracting, icons that correspond to the genders are presented.This feature can be turned off to increase difficulty. Additionalcustomizable features that are present include: • Level ofdifficulty - The level of difficulty can be adjusted to match thechild's ability level: Easy - Faces with quickly identifiablegenders Medium - Mix of easy and hard faces Hard - Faces with haircues removed • Training - The practice session before the games maybe disabled to increase difficulty. • Languages - Choose betweenEnglish and Spanish. For parents, educators, and therapists: •Profiles per child - More than one child can play the game and alldata is stored under each child's name. • Track data and statistics- At the end of the game, a graph of the child's data is presented.Touch the graph to enlarge it, and then touch each data point togather information about the child's performance. • Email data -From the graph screen, if the device is capable of email, selectthe Export button to send yourself a CSV file of the child'sprogress. For Ages 3 & Up
Color, What? 2.0.4
Have you ever asked yourself: “What color is that?” Use “Color,What?” to determine what color something is! How it works: Take apicture to figure out what color an object is or use a photo fromyour gallery to calculate what color something in the picture is.Simply tap the image to get the details of what color you touched.“Color What?” will calculate nearest color and complementary color.Gives you what color the object is in these color spaces: - HTMLColor (Web color) - Crayon Color - Men Limited Color (yes, this ismeant in humor) Enjoy “Color, What?” or your money back!
Learn with Rufus: Numbers 1.2.7
Have fun learning how to count and compare quantities!
Learn with Rufus: Emotions 1.2.3
Have fun learning how facial expressions reveal what people arefeeling!